A comprehensive global enterprise delivery framework effectively demystifies com plex technology landscapes with a proven Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and Return on Investment (ROI).
CLOUD transformation is imperative, at what cost, why and when
– Every IT Platform Infrastructure built has a time relevance when using technologies specific for your business purpose and vision.
– Transformation evolves gradually based on time, market dynamics and customer needs.
– It involves several strategic decision processes
Engage from the stage of your IT platform
– On-Prem to Cloud, Cloud to Hybrid Cloud, transformation engaging
the full Enterprise DevOps T+O+B
– Expert team to manage and support existing infrastructure as is
without disruption Enterprise DevOps T+O
– Retire on-prem, go-hybrid triggered by rapid market and technology
change? Move directly to Enterprise DevOps B
Ensuring CXO stakeholder’s prerogatives and organizational goals & vision for a smooth changeover of technology partner
– Leadership perspectives: Power the IT with hybrid infra, to power the business, to power customer experience
– Transition graceful: Accelerate transition with talents, methodology, tools and is non-disruptive
– Role collaboration: Rapid response to market changes achieved by effective IT and business partnership to expedite infrastructure & application rollouts
IT Benefits
– Centralized Platform Management, Infra & application launch made easier, improved controls, powerful monitoring, alerting, and reporting
with metrics
Cultural Benefits
– Happier, more productive teams, Greater professional development opportunities, less complexity by manage
Business Benefits
– No more hardware procurement process, No more data center contracts, Higher performance and pay for what you use, Scale up
and down as needed, High Availability
Customer Benefits
– Gaining customer trust, magnifying ROI

TRANSFER (T) | Fast and deep learning of your IT platform and its nuances. Completely non-disruptive and harmonious
OPERATE (O) | Enables team modelling with clear objectives towards managing and delivering with the existing platforms
BUILD (B) | Adopts intricate learning from T and O stages, evolve
customer platform, On-Prem to Cloud, Cloud to Hybrid Cloud for future delivery needs
GSMA World’s largest trade body representing mobile operators worldwide. An ecosystem spread over 3000 mobile device manufacturers, 1,250 mobile operators, 80 operator groups and 4,600 networks benefit
from the robust data platform. 3.8 Bn mobile internet users and 8.0 Bn SIM connections come under this body’s platform. 300 Mn cell phones in use in the United States alone out of the 5.2 Bn globally. More than
283,715,405 devices have been successfully checked by Stolen Phone Checker.
Carnival Corporation & plc is a British-American cruise operator, currently the world’s largest travel leisure company, with a combined fleet of over 100 vessels across 10 cruise line brands visiting over 700
ports around the world. Combining over 225,000 daily cruise guests and 100,000 shipboard employees, more than 325,000 people are sailing aboard the Carnival Corporation fleet every single day, totaling
about 85 Mn passenger cruise days a year
CLOUDTECHTOB expertise and culture embraces delivery intensely driven by our customers dynamic and disruptive market scenarios, with an eye on the ground reality of their business. CLOUDTECHTOB
is a great way to accomplish the transformation